Wayne Township, Illinois
- Hot In-Place Recycling Project, various residential streets (25,000+ SYs)
In order to save time and money, Wayne Township wanted to take a progressive approach by using Hot In-Place Recycling. HIR would allow them to address more road than they had initially planned—and in a shorter period of time—as compared to using the conventional mill, patch and pave approach.
Wayne Township needed to find a cost-effective alternative to traditional paving methods to help fix and address reflective cracking and extend the lifecycle of their asphalt.
Heater scarification rejuvenates old, worn out asphalt, putting the “ride back in the road.” HIR resulted in improved rideability and provided a solution for the streets’ reflective cracking. Recycling the existing streets in-place with a hot mix overlay resulted in additional savings and far less truck traffic, while still adding structure to the roads.